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Sustainability Policy

Smartway Builders acknowledges the principles of sustainable development and endeavour to incorporate acceptable outcomes in our sphere of influence when designing and delivering both large and small projects.

Sustainability covers all aspects of a business – including economic, environmental, social and business governance. This policy describes how Smartway Builders embeds sustainable practices within our business operations.

Our Commitment

Smartway Builders are committed to sustainable practices and we aim to include sustainable development principles into all design and building considerations where practical when consulting with our clients, consultants, contractors and adjacent community regarding project outcomes based on environmental impacts.

Principally the design processes will take into account the environment and socio-economic needs of the current generation without compromising future generations ability to achieve the same needs.

These needs will be assessed against statutory requirements and other similar criteria to achieve the best outcome within the available parameters.

Repurposing Materials When Building

Smartway Builders practice sustainability also through its repurposing of timber offcuts and recycling of timber destined for the tip.. The development of our sister company The Timber Reclaimers ensures that a significantly reduced level of waste is created through our daily construction activities.

The products designed and created through Timber Reclaimers aim to reduce the impact to the environment of our operations and support our commitment to reducing waste.

Sustainability in the Workplace

We operate our organisations ethically and according to our shared values ensuring all our staff are treated fairly, without bias and with a commitment to their growth.

We ensure that there is a diverse and inclusive work environment at all levels of our organisation.

We provide a safe and healthy work environment for our people.

In addition, we ensure Health and safety practices are adhered to for visitors, sub-contractors and property owners when coming on site.