Some building projects need a Building Consent from the local council, and some building projects don’t. Some projects also need Resource Consent.
But … What’s the difference?
A Building Consent is Council’s written authority to carry out building work that it considers will then comply with the Building Code, provided it is completed in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted with the Building Consent application.
Resource Consents may be required as well if your project does not meet the specific requirements of the Resource Management Act and the Council’s District Plan.
Essentially, Resource Consent applies to work you intend to do on the land (which may also relate to the building building if it falls outside the District Plan and allowable Building Envelope), and Building Consent applies to the actual building work you want to do.
If the building work you are planning somehow impacts on the land, other users of the land, or your neighbours, you may need a Resource Consent – for instance, if your house plans fall outside the allowable building envelope (size / height / closeness to boundary or road / percentage of land used etc.). Conversely, if what you’re planning on doing is allowed under the District Plan, and your plans fit within the allowable building envelope (height to boundary rules, ground coverage, etc.) then you will likely not need Resource Consent.
We understand which projects fit into each category and can help to manage your new design through the consent process, liaising with the architect, draughtsperson, surveyor and engineer to help make it all happen for you.
Today, getting Resource or Building Consent is not a simple process and is best managed by experts. The building regulations are complex, the construction details needed are huge and the local council regulations are a challenge to navigate. It is no longer something that just anyone can do.
Check your local council rules, just to be sure.