Thinking of adding a master suite extension to your home? Read on to find out how it can add value to your property, and the steps to consider before investing time and money into a home extension.
Benefits of Extending a Master Suite
There are many benefits to home extensions. It can be a great way to open up the space, add value to your property, and add some of your own creativity to an existing dwelling. There’s so much potential with an increased space! You can re-design your master suite, playing with shapes, textures, colours and even reconsider the feng shui of the space. Not only does an extension allow an opportunity for increased enjoyment for the room’s occupier and increased property value, but it allows a repositioning of space to increase indoor/outdoor flow.
Master Suit Extension Checklist
There are five basic points to consider before busting down the walls:
- Do your research
- Design realistically
- Factor in costs
- Choose the right local builders
- Get a contract
Home improvement is an exciting project, but slow down and take all the necessary steps one at a time, to ensure you don’t trip over and make any errors. First, do your research. Make sure you’ve lived in your home long enough to understand its nuances, otherwise you may end up doing the next step wrong – which is to design the extension.
Designing an extension for your master suite will be exciting and you should let your creative juices flow, but remember to be realistic as well. Consider your budget and the room’s functions, as well as any visions for its future use, i.e. will you sell it in the future? Will the room be used by another family member? It’s good to think long-term and be practical when it comes to home improvements as big as an extension.
Next, factor in all costs, including unforeseen costs. Some costs to consider may include architectural plans, costs for a building consent or resource consent, and council costs. Choosing the right builders will help you keep your costs as close to your budget as possible, as they should use their professional expertise to pick the right materials and work to schedule. Have a contract in place so every step of the extension is accounted for, and you have something concrete to refer back to.
Adding a master suite extension to your home can be fun and educational. Take time to ensure the new space integrates seamlessly with the existing features, and if in doubt, ask your team of builders for advice. If you have any queries or want to hire local builders in the Greater Wellington area, contact us.