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10 Ways to Avoid Poor Quality Work

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of renovations and new builds, but it’s just as easy to lose focus and wind up with work that doesn’t meet your expectations. If you’re beginning a new project, keep in mind these 10 do’s and don’ts to avoid poor quality work.

Do Hire a Professional

Don’t DIY, no matter how often people tell you it’s in your DNA! It’s good to be hands on, but when it comes to a big job like your house, it’s better to leave it to the experts. Too much DIY can lead to future problems and can end up costing you more time and money.

Do Plan Beforehand

This isn’t the time to wing it. Get organized, do the research and be assertive and meticulous when planning. A detailed plan will help you stay within your budget and schedule, and it’ll also give you a clearer idea of your vision. Get everything in writing and keep referring back to your plans.

Do Order Materials in One Go

Once you’ve got a concrete plan and you’ve discussed your project with the building contractors, order all the materials you’ll need so you avoid delays. Whatever you do, don’t buy materials before planning. Don’t be tempted by sales! You’ll end up wasting money.

Do Adhere to Rules and Regulations

Make sure your renovation or new build is legally approved before you begin. Are you adhering to the building regulations? Do you need to notify neighbours, leaseholders or anyone else? Cover your back from the start to avoid problems later on.

Do Remain the Positive Force

It’s important to keep spirits high during lengthy renovations or new builds. A lack of motivation can result in unsatisfactory work, so be the positive force and keep the production line moving!

Don’t Ignore the Issues

When you begin to dissect your house, chances are you’ll find problems, such as electrical or plumbing issues. It’s impossible to plan for surprises, but budget for it, and if you come across an issue, deal with it immediately. Ignoring it will result in poor quality work and future issues.

Don’t Cut Corners

Again, do it right from the start. Cutting corners may save time now, but you’ll need to fix it in the future which will cost you more time and money. Hire professional home builders, buy quality materials and pay attention to each step of the process.

Don’t Skimp on Costs

Quality over quantity! Now is not the time to be frugal. Quality work and materials will cost a little more, but they will also achieve quality work, which is what you want.

Don’t Live On-Site During Major Work

Try to avoid living on-site during major works, as this can interfere with the work. If you can’t move somewhere else, create an isolated area to live in, and separate your quarters from the builders.

Don’t Neglect the Garden

Gardens affect resale value, so include your garden in your plans. A successful renovation or new build has foresight, so think of the bigger picture when planning your project.
For more tips on how to avoid poor quality work, download our e-book.

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